events, conferences

National Day for Truth & Reconciliation

Monday, September 30, 2024 to Thursday, October 31, 2024



On September 30, Canada observes Truth and Reconciliation Day—a day set aside to acknowledge the profound injustices endured by Indigenous peoples throughout our nation’s history. We must pause to reflect on the tragedies, particularly the legacy of residential schools, which forcibly separated children from their families and communities, leaving a painful legacy of trauma and loss.
Acknowledging these historical and ongoing injustices creates space for healing, understanding, and change. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action provides a critical framework for this healing process. These recommendations challenge every Canadian to take concrete steps toward repairing the broken relationship with Indigenous peoples by addressing systemic discrimination, preserving Indigenous cultures, and fostering social and economic equality.
For the Church of God in Western Canada, Truth and Reconciliation Day is also an opportunity to reaffirm our commitment to supporting and ministering to Indigenous communities in new and innovative ways. We stand with Indigenous peoples in seeing these Calls to Action implemented, understanding that true reconciliation requires both acknowledgement of past wrongs and a shared dedication to building a better future.
As followers of Christ, we are called to be agents of healing and restoration. The Gospel of Jesus Christ offers hope for deep, transformational healing, even from generational wounds. Our prayer is for a renewed sense of hope and purpose, especially for Indigenous youth poised to be leaders of change and bearers of a brighter future. Together, let us work toward a Canada where Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities walk hand in hand toward justice, reconciliation, and peace.
A Prayer of Blessing for the Indigenous Peoples of Canada
Heavenly Father,
We come before You today with humble hearts, lifting the Indigenous peoples of Canada. We acknowledge the pain and suffering endured by their communities—hurts that have left deep scars across generations. Lord, we ask for Your divine healing to flow through the hearts of all those affected by the wounds of the past, restoring their spirits, their families, and their communities.
We pray for freedom from the cycles of addiction and destructive patterns that have plagued so many Indigenous families. Break these chains, Lord, and open new paths toward wholeness, peace, and prosperity. Heal broken relationships, restore hope, and mend what has been shattered by years of trauma and hardship.
Lord, we speak blessings over the youth of the Indigenous communities. May their hearts be filled with hope and their minds with visions of a brighter tomorrow. Open doors of opportunity for them, allowing them to step into their full potential and flourish as leaders, innovators, and difference-makers. We ask that You renew their strength and courage so that they may rise to fulfill the purpose You have set before them.
As Canadians, we ask for a collective awakening—a deep desire to work with Indigenous communities to bring healing and restoration. May we seek to understand and act toward justice and reconciliation.
As the Church of God in Western Canada, we commit to being Your hands and feet in this process. Grant us divine guidance from Your Holy Spirit so we may be instrumental in seeing Your will come to pass. We trust that a new day is dawning, and we believe that restoration and hope will flourish in every corner of this land through Your power.
We ask all of this in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ,

Administrative Bishop Larry Hasmatali

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